Complicated Explanations
So the original thought of there being a unicorn sounds crazy, who even could come up with such an insane creature that has a tusk on the top of its head. In the late 1800s, no one could even come up with such a strange creation that farts rainbows, and it didn't. The original unicorn was just a tame white horse with a tan cone-shaped horn that sat on its head.It was on Main Street, New York City around 1880 a few years before Ford created his masterpiece on wheels. The air was hot and the summer breeze was just right. Children were playing in the streets while parents were running their mid-day errands. Carriages covered the roads and people had places to be.
Most of the horses that drew the carriages through the dirt alleys were tan or dark, their coats were packed in this dry muck up way past their shins making them seem even darker, other than one. There was one horse with bright white fur covering his skin, he was very clean not the kind of horse you usually saw on the streets of New York. This was the kind of horse that the army took out to battle. This was the carriage of a very important person, someone in our early parliament.
The horse-drawn carriage pulled by the albino horse was moving very quickly, they were in a rush and they were not paying attention. Children were everywhere they were running, playing and eating their ice cream. One child was standing in the street with his cone as the carriage was bolting straight at him. The young boy was very small only 7 or 8 years old, he turned around to this huge animal only a few feet from him, as he tried to get away he fell and his ice cream flew through the air. The horse stopped abruptly in its tracks. The cone landed smack dab in the middle of that horse's forehead. That one cone saved the little boys life. This is how the original unicone came to be.
In the begining the unicone what a magic animal of great power and knowledge. The unicone was an animal that would never harm anything or anyone, a beast of peace. After many years and translations, the unicone changed to a unicorn and people gave it special powers. The creature never was meant to fly through clouds or have magic shoot from its horn. We can blame the book "Gulliver's Travels" by Johnathan Swift for giving such a different form to the magical horse. Unicorns are descendants of hyperbole.
pic credit: frankieknowledge |
Have you ever wondered how Santa Clause is in so many malls, grocers, and restaurants all at once?He's not...
Jolly old Saint Nicholas has way too much crap to do up in the North Pole. The Santa wannabes are actually his elves. I know that is nothing like you were taught in your history classes. Every December there is a straw drawing, the elves are split up into 4 groups. with thousands of elves in each group. The shortest straw group are the builders of toys. They have the low end of all of this because they are up day and night making sure that all of the toys are finished before Christmas Eve.
The next group of elves are the gift wrappers and these are the ones that check the naughty and nice lists.
The third shortest straw group are all of the elves which for the next month have to be doctors, chefs and will do every other job that makes society spin.
All of the elves that are in the longest straw group have to pick a partner. In their new pairs, the elves then get fitted for their new wardrobe. The elves sit one on the other's shoulders trying to fill out their new suits. They have fake bellies and big boots that fit right over there elf shoes with the bells on the toes.
One elf must grow a beard and the other must get used to carrying a whole nother person on their shoulders. These elves are then dispersed across the world, to every country or city that children live. Santa creates these costumes in his image because he is trying to make sure everything goes smoothly at the Pole. He also wants children to keep believing in him and the north pole. These costumes are exact replicas of Santas daily outfit. The elves even have to take a class on how to do the famous "HoHoHo". Every elf pair is hired at different shopping centers so they can make money to pay for all the toys they make for you and me.
Every time you go to take photos with Santa's Elves remember you are paying for your own future presents. oh and his lunch because what would Santa be without the big jolly belly.
pic credit: HowStuffWorks |
Any stories under Complicated Explanations are not true. This is where I put shower-thoughts and turn them into stories.
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