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The Lifestyle of Procrastination

I am Packed. I am Ready. Time to move to college. Just one itty bitty problem… I have 82 days until I am out. Since I decided I will be moving out of state almost immediately after graduating, my family decided to downsize. The big problem is that I am still living with them. We are working out the kinks or at least almost attempting. We are a mess.  Mostly me, I don't understand the concept of organization, even though I have this dream of the perfect laundry room, and a made bed with a huge white fuzzy rug at the foot of it. This idea will stay in my dreams, knowing myself, I would spill something all over the stark fur. Right now, I have a room full of boxes. In each box, there is one part clothes, one part junk, and one part me not wanting to open it. Consequently, I have been wearing the same jeans for three days, with no real urge for change. Not even care. I have zero urge to open the wrong box, And prior to boxing up every article of clothing I own, I n

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