
College seems to be a deliberate way of telling me I'm either completely stupid or somehow that college algebra is so simple I am going to pull my hair out. I made the very rational decision that I need to have 8 am classes 5 days a week. this is one of many examples of me being stupid. For anyone who thinks that they are a morning person in high school, you are wrong about now, because you really don't HAVE to show up. Though I recommend it. This is a ton of money that will probably never be used anyway but at least I'm not getting my degree in something completely dumb, you know like oncology. I'm kidding we need them too, but most of the population like me is going to get a degree in something that is oversaturated in the population, marketing in my case. I may never use my degree but I will have one very expensive piece of toilet paper in 4 years.
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At this moment, I am definitely ignoring my professor as he reiterates himself for the 5 times that fractions are not a terrible topic like he is sitting at the dinner table explaining it to his 5-year-old daughter. I am what we call a selective listener when I say that I kinda mean I'm lowkey a bitch that doesn't care what most people say but smiling and nodding makes it okay. Right? Maybe not but stick with me. If you have ever watched Madagascar you know that quote "smile and wave boys, smile and wave" and you can just imagine the aggressive acrobatic penguin telling his other cute penguin friends that. Since penguins are my favorite animal this quote is my life motto also really should be on one of those cute signs to hang in your room.
Why aren't penguins one of many handicap helper animals that can walk around Walmart, because I'm sure looking at that all day would release the strain of anxiety that is coming from the ora of college.


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